Wednesday, December 10, 2014

It Has Arrived!

Once a year, Pyrotex receives our shipment from our aerial shell distributor in China.  (You know, the one that you learned about last week in our blog here?)   Delivery day is one of the most anticipated days of the year.  It is also the busiest rush at the farm since we have a very short time to unload the truck, inventory all of the product and get it safely put away and organized in the bunkers which become the it's home until the shell is chosen to create a skyful of art.  

It's kind of like opening a very, very large Christmas present!

Just unloading the initial truck took a couple of hours.

All these boxes will be sorted, labeled, and stored until they are used for your firework show.

Our sales director seems buried as she checks in the boxes. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Masters in China

Pyrotex received a great honor this year by being hosted by our firework distribution plant in China.  Our owner, Randy Beckham, was treated to a week of exploring the city, inspecting the plant, witnessing the creation of the fireworks and then experiencing multiple nights of firework displays to view new product that is available to us for future shows.

Pyrotex received a very warm welcome.

They met with old and new friends and colleagues from pyrotechnic companies around the world.  

A seven hour train ride took the group to the facility where the product is produced.  Notice the "walls" piled between each building in case of an accident.

Inside, Randy was able to watch the workers hand craft the product. 

Then he received a tour of the showroom including a wide range of shells and effects.

The "Gods" of Fire

Closer inspection of the firing site for the evening display made us thankful we don't build our shows on the ground using bamboo supports!

And then, they were treated to the shows...