Monday, June 1, 2015

Ready for a New Year

For most folks, June marks the start of a long, hot summer.  For Pyrotex, June marks a new year with new recruits at our annual PyroCamp.  This year, June represents our 23rd PyroCamp and our 36th year of business, making us the oldest Texas-based professional pyrotechnic display company.  
(Your mama always said 'Shop Local', right?)

Pyrotex is unique to our competitors in many ways, but one of the most significant is that we fully train all of our employees and do not use contract labor.  

Our first PyroCamp in 1993 hosted 30 employees in a tent.

PyroCamp 2015, held at our state-of-the-art facility, brought us 16 new recruits and over 60 seasoned veterans ranging from 18 to 70 years old -- 2 of which have attended all 23 PyroCamps during their tenure with our company!

2015 also allowed us to introduce our new logo to our employees who gave it rave reviews!

Each year, all of our employees is subjected to ATF background and drug testing, followed by a full day of classroom and hands-on training.  At the end of the day, we fire a show we have built throughout training to the delight of the surrounding neighbors.

With the unpredictable May weather, we were unsure if we could load and fire the show this year. Our firing site was essentially a mud-pit, so we had to roll up our sleeves and resort to Plan B to make the show happen.

But, at the end of the day, the weather had cleared and we were able to enjoy the fruit of our labor, the reward we get at the end of every shift, a beautiful firework display that we are able to share with the world!

Now that our new recruits are trained and ready, it is up to you, our loyal fans, to help keep their skills up.   Call Paige today at 469-534-0635 or email to to add fireworks to your next event.  

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Fireworks at Fair Park

We often hear "you can't shoot fireworks at our venue" from potential clients.  As a professional company, Pyrotex obtains permits and follows the regulations that allow us to produce firework displays within city limits across the nation.  We can also customize the display to work within the confined space of any venue, indoors or out.  

With that in mind, I am beginning a series where I will highlight a new venue each week, sharing the various options, photos and videos of previous displays there, and any little known facts that will be important to remember when planning your firework display.

This week, Pyrotex was out at Fair Park, so why don't we start there?

Fair Park is such a versatile area with a wide variety of venue options to match any event theme and size of crowd -- Texas Discovery Gardens, Cotton Bowl Stadium, Hall of State, Music Hall, Automobile Building, Centennial Hall...the list goes on and on.   No matter which venue suits your event best, Pyrotex can create an unbelievable firework display for your guests in various locations.  We can produce aerial displays fired from a parking lot, a grassy area, the roof of the Hall of State and surrounding buildings, the 50 yard line of the Cotton Bowl, or the center of the Esplanade...yes, we can fire in water!  For a wedding departure we can line Grand Avenue or another departure point with columns or fans of sparkle fountains.  If your guests are looking for something a little different to excite the crowd, bring the fireworks indoors at Centennial Hall or the Automobile building.  

Pyrotex will coordinate with the authorities to obtain necessary state and local permits.  We will arrange for the fire marshal to be on-site during the display and produce a certificate of insurance covering the venue, city, and client as additional insureds.  Most of the events will also require a special event permit which the client or planner can obtain from the City of Dallas Office of Special Events.  With Fair Park being a public area, we will require the client to arrange for firing site security by hiring uniformed police officers from the time we arrive on-site with the product until the show is cleaned up at the end of the evening.  Additional costs may also include rental of the space to fire the show at Fair Park.

Once you have finalized your event details and your venue, 
you and your client and guests can sit back, relax, and enjoy a firework display, 
choreographed to music and coordinated with the event colors.  

Why don't you take a little break from your workday 
and be inspired to plan your next event at Fair Park?

Monday, January 12, 2015

Pyrotex Blows Up 2014

Each year, I create a video for our annual training "PyroCamp" to give our newbies a little insight into the company and remind the seasoned pyrotechnicians of how much fun they had the prior year. However, this has always been private for employees eyes only.

This year, I have been inspired by some of my photography friends 
to create a "Year-End Review" for Pyrotex.  
What a great idea to remember and share some of our most memorable displays each year.
Why didn't I think of this before?

So, here it is, 2014 through the eyes of a Pyrotex pyrotechnician...

We rang in the new year with a bang with 3 New Years Eve fireworks displays across Texas.  

We helped celebrate -- 
the 30th anniversary of the DFW Chapter of NACE (National Association of Catering and Events), 
the 25th Anniversary of the Meyerson Symphony Center with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, 
and the 10th Anniversary of a very special program at Cook Children's Hospital.

We enhanced the performances of Beauty and the Beast for JJ Pearce High School and 
Phantom of the Opera for Dallas Baptist University.

Our crew members were thrilled about our multiple visits to Texas Motor Speedway and 
Circuit of the Americas to entertain race fans, high school seniors, and corporate groups.

We trained a great new group of employees at PyroCamp this year and 
also hosted additional training classes for our crew leads.

We turned one of our demo nights into a 4th of July inspired style shoot complete with planners, 
Julie and Emily from Forever Events and Weddings, Photographer Justin Yoder,
and pie....can't forget the pie!

We did celebrate a couple little holidays called 4th of July and Christmas!

Between it all, oh and a little trip to China (see details here), we entertained crowds of thousands for weddings, birthday parties, college homecomings, festivals, and corporate events all year long.

We are looking forward to even more celebrations and memorable events in 2015!  
Thanks to all of our clients, friends, audiences, and crew members for being a part of it.